A Cheerful Season: What Do You Have Joy About?

Published on 5 December 2024 at 14:30

Hello ForevaBlack family, I decided to do a fun, light, and short topic today for my post. We've discussed a lot of heavy conversations, but since it is December, and this month has cheer and joy included in it; I decided why not talk about things that bring us joy. As we all know, Christmas is in 20 days, and it is a jolly season. I know we all may have our personal lives going on; grief, bills, our loved ones may be in the hospital, and so much more that could possibly be going wrong. For one minute, I just would like for us to think about all the things we have in our lives to be joyful about. Let’s not think about what is wrong, let’s think about what is right; no matter what the negatives are, the positives are much bigger. Some of us have healthy and beautiful children, our parents are still alive, there is money in our pockets and food in our fridge, our grandparents are still among us, God has blessed us to be able to have a career or be in school, etc. The list can go on and on, there is so much to have joy about.  

Christmas is my favorite Holiday. I love Christmas because it’s such a giving season and time, all your family is together; you watch the kids open presents, and it’s so nostalgic because I remember being a child and opening my presents. Seeing people smile and being full of joy is amazing, it’s such a good feeling. I just feel like Christmas should make everyone happy, no matter what; no matter how I feel, I will always enjoy and celebrate Christmas.

I challenge you all to reflect on this after reading it and write down 10 things you have in your life to be joyful about. Do not focus on what you do not have, or what’s troubling you... allow yourself to feel free for a little and be joyful. Life is so precious and a limited time, just enjoy these present and precious moments. I love you all, stay smiling and pure. See you in the next post my ForevaBlack babies. 

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