ForevaBlack family, how are you feeling? As we all know, tomorrow is love day; and I have no plans, but love excites me. Valentine’s Day is about the day of love, and different forms of love; platonic, romantic, and familial. Love is so beautiful, it’s beautiful to share and express... everyone should experience it. To be loved is an amazing feeling, but me personally I think the true beauty is in being able to give love and show the next person genuine care and love for them.
I say love has beauty to it for multiple reasonings; just to name a few… the ability to heal, connect, and help build each other up. Love is not all about romance, there is so much more to love. Each expression of love, whether to yourself, a partner, family member, or friend; it holds so much power. Giving love to yourself brings confidence, true peace, and also the ability to pour into others. Always remember, you cannot pour into people what you do not have. The love in friendships brings a lot of laughter, having a companion through different stages of love; good and bad. The love in romance will have deepened relationships, passion and desire for another, and the joy of building a beautiful life together. Family love, one of the most important loves in my life, personally… it has unconditional support, a safe space, and a solid foundation.
Love is limitless—and it multiplies when given out, love softens hearts that were once hardened. Every single person deserves love, whether we want to believe that or not. Love makes the world go around; pure love is the light in this dark world.
Also, the most important love we could have ever received in this life is God’s love. John 3:16 reminds us of His love for us, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God loves us so much; He gave Jesus as an ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order to save us. I challenge you all to spread love, not just on tomorrow but on every other day beyond that. Love changes people, you never know how the randoms acts of love can change someone’s whole perspective. With people you may not know; pay for someone’s meal, offer a compliment, donate to someone in need, or smile and greet people. For people you do know, send a heartfelt text… even if it just says I appreciate you or I love you. Give out hugs, kiss the ones you love, check in on them and see if their mental health is okay, pray for the ones you love and even the ones you do not know.
Love doesn’t have to be big; the small things count too. I love you my ForevaBlack family and keep spreading love. Love is so beautiful, continue to be the light and share it with others as well. ❤️
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you just gave me a different perspective on VDay. it’s not all about sharing it with a significant other. i can spread love in different ways. thank you Niya