Jesus Wept: Vulnerability Isn't a Weakness

Published on 20 February 2025 at 15:00

ForevaBlack family, how are you guys today? I’m always pleased to put out a post and talk to you all. Today’s topic is a very important one to me, because in the African American community, vulnerability is not talked about enough and when it is discussed it is seen as a weakness and not a strength. Vulnerability is when you’re honest and transparent about how you feel and the experiences you’ve had by sharing them with others; it can be personal stories and sharing the mistakes you have made. The point of me making this blog was for me to be more open and vulnerable, and how it can help someone else. I love being vulnerable and having the ability to show when I am in a low place, or even if I am in a high place and just able to speak on the things I have experienced.

In the African American community, being vulnerable and showing emotion is often seen as a “weakness”. What if I told you being vulnerable shows courage and strength? You may wonder how, and here’s how; it takes courage to show up as your true self and how you’re feeling in that season or moment, instead of masking the pain. You’re willing to be seen as you are, and that takes a lot of strength… most people are afraid to show the world of how they feel, and we’re all humans with human emotions. There is no human on this planet that has not cried or felt down, most people just tend to mask how they are feeling. There are more reasons this is a strength; it shows growth through challenges, empowers others, and strengthens faith. When a person can embrace their vulnerability, you’re open to learning and growing through it; admitting your fears and your mistakes makes an enormous room for personal and spiritual growth. By doing that, you’re able to encourage others to do the same… it shows them to not fear this journey, and that it is nothing wrong with showing every emotion you are feeling. Your faith is strengthened when vulnerable, it allows you to depend on God to be your strength while you feel weak. It creates space for God to work in your life, remember the verse 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

An example I wanted to share with you all, and honestly this is especially for my black men… Do you know in the Bible, it tells us that Jesus wept? Yes, Jesus wept! Jesus was perfect, but He cried because He was once human just like us. In John 11:35, which is the shortest verse in the Bible tells us that Jesus wept… He wept at His friend Lazarus tomb even though He knew he would be raised from the dead. There are a few things I want to point out about this example and how it connects to vulnerability and our humanity; first, it shows that Jesus felt deep compassion. Jesus was moved by everyone mourning over Lazarus, He shared their sorrow. Secondly, He showed His humanity… Jesus was able to express His grief, sadness, and the frustration that He was feeling. Doesn’t that sound like us? In our vulnerability and sadness, we cry even when we know at some point our life will feel alive again... Jesus did not feel the need to hide how He felt, even though He was a man, and I do not want any of my men to feel the need to hide how they feel all because they are a man.

As I close out, I want to say vulnerability is a great thing… a way to be honest, release the heavy burdens and know that you’re not alone. Jesus is always right there with you; He is strong while you’re weak and you can always lean on Him. Jesus promised He would always take care of us, and He will never leave us nor forsake us. I love you my ForevaBlack family! Take care of yourself and know that I am always here for you.

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17 days ago

Great message! I hope this reaches someone who really needed it today!

Willie Graham
17 days ago

Great blog! Very informative!

Chelsea Williams
17 days ago

This is a well delivered message on vulnerability! May God continue to bless your ministry!

17 days ago